
donderdag 26 januari 2012

EOTD : Catrice Berry Fairy - Big City Life Sydney : Harbour Bridge - The Rocks - Bondi Beach

Hi sweeties ! 
Just a quick look today , romantic pink ;)
Sorry if it isn't perfect anymore , but the pictures were taken after 7 hours at work!

Darling Girl Watercolor Paintpot

Catrice Berry Fairy

 Catrice Big City Life Sydney

Catrice Ooops! Nude Did It Again

What i used :

Base :  Darling Girl Watercolor Paintpot on the lid ( it has no name , i got it as a free sample)
Inner corner , tear duct area : Catrice Bondi Beach (LE Big City Life Sydney)
Lid to crease , blended : Catrice Berry Fairy (LE Floralista)
Crease , blended up : Catrice Harbour Bridge (LE Big City Life Sydney)
Outer V (blended in crease) , lower lashline : Catrice The Rocks (LE Big City Life Sydney)
Browbone : Catrice Ooops! Nude did it again 
Waterline : Catrice eyepencil black from the Big City Life Palette
Liner : Catrice 010 Black Jack with Jack Black
Black volume Mascara

6 opmerkingen:

  1. This is such a perfect look for springtime!

  2. jaja heel mooi! ook nog na 7 uur hoor!! :-)))

  3. This is so pretty. It would make a really lovely romantic look for Valentine's Day.

  4. Your makeup looks great after 7 hours! Very pretty, girly pink look!

  5. that watercolour looked really interesting! you've got me hooked on that one now!/Azure

  6. Gorgeous! I think the pink, sandy colours look very nice with your skin tone.
