
vrijdag 2 augustus 2013

3 year blog anniversary and less-buy project

Hello there ! Tzjeee , it's already 3 years ago since i started this blog and believe me : even i didn't know i would do this for so long :) And like every other blogger i have my good and bad days. Or should i say good periods and bad ones ? Sometimes i wonder if it's usefull to continue with my blog , but i still have fun doing it . It's maybe not "usefull" , but i still like to share my makeup looks. So i'll continue for a while , don't worry :)

And with my 3 years of blogging i promised myself that i will buy less makeup for a while . I have so much stuff and i bought quite a lot lately , so i have plenty of things to play around with . I will buy some bits and pieces every now and then , but not too much :) . It will be hard for me doing that , but i really going to try it !
I don't want to do a complete no-buy , because i know i can't resist new collections in the drugstore , LOL
But i think a "less-buy" is a good thing too , don't you think ?

I'm going to do a cleanout in my stash , see what i haven't used in a long time and do some looks with those things . I also have a bunch of things i really don't use anymore , so i think i'm going to do a next round of a "Cleaning-Giveaway" ...

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Congratulations for your third blogversary!! And for your last looks, nice as all your looks!!! Kisses! :)

  2. Congratulations! I've been clearing out too and selling bits. Also trying to try new looks and stop neglecting various items. It was my birthday last month so I still have plenty of new stuff to try. Having seen some of the new Catrice bits, I don't think I'd manage to stay away if I was you lol I'm lemming those liquid metal eyeshadows and all of the new single shades.

    Lou x

  3. Wow, three years is an accomplishment and I've enjoyed every post of your looks! Definitely don't stop please!

  4. Congraulations! Three years is awesome. I admire your decision to buy less. I go through phases of doing that too!
