
zaterdag 16 november 2013

EOTD : Urban Decay Theodora - Sleek Supreme

I was not sure what colors to use , so it was kinda experimental this one :) 
I applied just the tiniest amount of glitter on the lid , which makes the look a bit more interesting .  I used some of my Milani Shadow eyez pencils for this look , these are incredible !! And i saw there are some new fun LE colors for the Holidays , want want want !!!  Café au Lait is such a pretty color and it's fabulous on the waterline ! Want more of these now LOL . They blend like a dream and are long-lasting . These are my new favorites :)

Enjoy the look !

What i used :

Base : Milani Shadow Eyez Café au Lait on the lid , blended
Milani Shadow Eyez Almond Cream , blended from crease to browbone
Inner corner : UD Broken (Theodora)
Lid , blended to crease : UD Beware (Theodora)
Middle of the lid : UD Jealous-light side (Theodora)
Crease , blended up : Sleek P-Funk (Supreme)
Above P-Funk : Sleek Shangrilas Lemon (Supreme)
Browbone : UD Foxy (Naked Basics)
Crease , blended : UD Backdoor (Smoked)
Outer Lid : UD West (Theodora)
Lower Lashline : Avon Supershock Gel Eyeliner pencil Blackberry , blended
on top : UD Toasted (Naked)
Waterline : Milani Shadow Eyez Café au Lait
Liner : MeMeMe EyeSweep Black
Glitter : Middle of the Lid , applied with a small flat brush : Gosh Extreme Art Glitter Liner nr. 22

7 opmerkingen:

  1. i absolutely love this! it looks so awesome with your beautiful hazel eyes. :)

  2. love this! I really hate I didn't get this palette :(

  3. I really like the bit of yellow in the look!

  4. Echt ernstig mooi!!!!!! Mag ik vragen waar je de milani potloden gevonden hebt? *blink blink*

    1. Ik heb deze in een swap gekregen van men Amerikaanse swapbuddy ....
      Maar check Ebay eens , ik zie deze geregeld daar wel opstaan aan een acceptabele prijs !
