
maandag 13 oktober 2014

I'm broken , and i don't know how to get through it .... anymore

Since my dad died 2 moths ago , i have no strength to do some makeup looks and blogging lately , but i feel that i need to keep you all updated about what's happening in my life .
Just when i thought that this year couldn't be any worse , the unexpected happened : My mother in law died suddenly on Friday 10/10/2014 .
I loved her so much , she was a great woman and she was more than just my mother in law . 
I'm even more broken now , don't know anymore how i have to go through all this .
Why is life so merciless with me ? I have no words anymore to describe how i feel , i'm empty.
She was also only 65 , way too young .
I will miss her so badly and i hope she's happy now , she was a strong believer of reincarnation . So i hope she will come back in whatever she wants to be in her next life .


9 opmerkingen:

  1. I am so, so sorry that you are having such a bad time at the moment. I can sympathize, I was really upset when my dad died. It does get better, but grief is odd, a set of emotions that do not follow a path. Please email me if you feel you need to write and get things off your chest in private. I hope that you feel better soon and will listen if you want me to. Hugs, Helen. x

  2. Dear Luna, I'm deeply sorry that you are facing such tragedy in your life. I can't express my thoughts at this bad time. Time is a healer and I hope you'll feel better soon though this grief will be always in your heart. Hugs honey <3

  3. So sorry to hear of this loss to close to that of your dad. It does get better but it does take days of just putting one foot in front of the other. You will feel better again at some point and if blogging isn't working for you right now it's ok to take a break. Sending big hugs!!

  4. I don't even know what to say! It seems like the world has been against you lately! I can't even begin to comprehend what you're going through right now; I only wish that things get better for you!

  5. I have no words to describe what I want to say to you... all I can say is that from the bottom of my heart I am so so sorry that you have to go through all of this pain..
    I wish things will get better for you soon

  6. I am so sorry, I cannot believe you have had to deal with so much in so short a time. Try to hang in there, I hope you will feel better soon.

  7. Ik denk dat je vooral even aan jezelf moet denken. Als je geen zin hebt om te bloggen dan gewoon niet doen. Even uitblazen en luisteren naar hetgeen jij zelf wil.

    Mijn grootvader is afgelopen woensdag gestorven :-(.

    1. Mijn innige deelneming met het overlijden van je grootvader :( , het is altijd zo hard als je iemand verliest . Ik heb het al zo vaak meegemaakt , maar je raakt er niet aan gewend. Momenteel voel ik me echt niet goed , mentaal en lichamelijk. Ik ben uitgeput , ik probeer om alles op een rijtje te zetten en erdoor te raken maar het lukt me maar niet....
