
zondag 27 november 2011

Aromaleigh V.2 Holiday 2011 Collection : Holly - Days

Hi lovelies !
Aromaleigh goes fast with releasing new collections :D
The newest one for Holiday 2011 : Holly - Days !

Full Size : $ 6.00
Samples (baggies) $ 1.00
Samplesets (baggies)  : $ 16.00

Samples contains 1/8 teaspoon

COLOR DESCRIPTIONS: (Remember, color is subjective, so these are Aromaleigh's color perceptions. They are helpful in assisting with color choice, but everyone sees color differently.)
naughty or nice: a frosted slate cocoa taupe with festive sparks of gold and violet.
secret santa: a warm mid-toned pinky mauve with an aurora borealis of highlight shimmers.
faux eva'green: heathery evergreen frost with a smokey lowlight and with fine subtle colorful glimmer.
more fruitcake?: fruity pumpkin frost with a hint of coral... accented with bright sparks of gold and red.
midnight mess: the darkest purple-indigo toned black with frosted pewter tones and a myriad of sparkle that defies the rainbow.
just be-claus: not your ordinary hot chocolate. This warm mid-toned cocoa frost sparkles with prismatic joy.
snowglobe: The perfect frosty white frost with bright sparks of green floating throughout...
poison pointsettia: Saturated like bright rubies and garnets, a smooth, softly metallic frost with brilliant sparkls of bright blue.
missing batteries: a cool chocolate brown frost with more shiny diamond shimmer than missing batteries at Chriustmas.
it's MY party: perfection in a warm purple frost with contrasting green and aqua shimmy and shine.
peace on ?: perfectly peaceful peachy frost with the brilliance of bright gold and pink sparkles.
little green elves: a neutral heathered greenish greyish frost, with hints of khaki and surprising violet and green sparkkle.
uncorked: medium-toned warm buff mauve-pink fizzy with sparks of champagne pink, brilliant gold and red.
down the chimney: soot and ash has never been so lovely. A cool toned smooth grey frost with bright green sparks and soft golden highlight shimmer.
pass the glogg: neutral perfect light-midtoned buff beige with hints of pink and showers of sparkling radiance.
glisten' in!: warm gold, softly metallic frost with hot sparkles of gold and pink.

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