
maandag 28 november 2011

Aromaleigh v.2 Starry Night : Swatches

Last week i received my samplesets of Starry Night ! Wow , this collection is sooooooo gorgeous . It was hard to capture the complexity in the colors . But you got the idea of how they look like in real life . So ... Enjoy !

 The Sampleset : 1/8 tsp in each baggie

 Top Row : L to R : Saiph , Antares , Procyon , Betelgeuse
Bottom Row : L to R : Aldebaran , Altair , Rigel , Capella

 Top Row : L to R : Sirius , Spica , Polaris
Bottom Row : L t R : Izar , Shaula , Pollux

Top : Regulus
Bottom : Bellatrix
 AL Alderbaran

 AL Altair

 AL Antares

 AL Bellatrix

AL Betelgeuse

 AL Capella

 AL Izar

 AL Polaris

 AL Pollux

 AL Procyon

AL Regulus

 AL Rigel

 AL Saiph

 AL Shaula

 AL Sirius

AL Spica

My favorites : Shaula , Izar , Rigel , Capella , Regulus , Pollux and Procyon
I love them all , but if i have to choose , it will be these beauties :D
So did you ordered this collection already ? No ... shame on you ! Go check them out now :D :

6 opmerkingen:

  1. The swatches look great! Many pretty colors.

  2. These swatches are too nice, colors are gorgeous!! I want all them!!|!

  3. Stop er mee alsjeblieft haha, ik ben al zo los gegaan met Black Friday.... dit is echt een prachtige collectie!!

  4. @Leira Yann : The colors are amazing , as all Aromaleigh colors do :D

    @Yelaya : :D , that was my first thought too when i saw them on the website

    @Morgaine : Ze is super deze collectie . Aromaleigh blijft maar mooie collecties uitbrengen , heb de nieuwste "Holly Days" ook reeds besteld ... :D

  5. Wow! They're amazing. So glad I ordered this collection. You've made me a very happy camper.
